Home > Courses 

Introductory courses, advanced courses and themed workshops

What I propose to you

Workshops for everyone

Introductory courses

If you are a beginner, we will discover together the basic gestures so that you can make your first pieces. If you are already a little experienced, we will review your gestures to improve them, correct them and allow you to evolve.

Advanced courses

After completing the turning and/or modeling course, you can continue to develop your technique in shared weekly classes or in private lessons.

Themed workshops

At certain times of the year, themed workshops, linked to the seasons, will be offered...

Introductory courses

Details of techniques studied in introductory courses

Details of the turning (or potter's wheel technique)

To work on the lathe, there are several steps to follow and many manipulations.

This workshop aims to give you an overview of each of these phases and operations in 3 sessions and allow you to make your first ceramics!

Dates and times are available by clicking on the green buttons below.

First session: centering and turning
The clay will first have to be kneaded in order to start centering on the wheel.

Then we will learn how to dig and open the clay, then build up the walls and give a shape to the piece.

Each of these steps requires practice and therefore will be repeated to gain more flexibility and confidence!

Depending on the degree of humidity in the air, the piece should dry for a few hours or even a few days until it acquires the so-called "leather" texture (neither too wet nor too dry)

Second session: turning
During the second part of the workshop (1 or 2 days after the first session), we will go back to the wheel, but this time, with the piece positioned upside down, to turn it: make its base, and remove the excess clay that weighs it down and gives it its final shape. You will sign each of your creations!

When the piece is completely dry (so really 100% dry, it takes several weeks to dry, from 3 to 5 weeks), it undergoes a first firing at around 950°C and becomes a cookie.

Third session: glazing
Afterwards you will apply the glaze by dipping, pouring or brushing (depending on the application technique of the chosen glaze) and the piece will return to the kiln for its final firing at around 1220°C.

You will have to wait a few days again for the room to cool down completely and you will be able to leave proudly with your unique creations!

The clay that we will use will be Belgian stoneware, because it ensures a great solidity of the pieces that you will realize, it is very malleable (and soft to the hands)

All three sessions will take place in my studio, at home, in a good mood 🙂 

With only three rounds, this is a personalized course in which you'll learn a lot!

You will have clay at your disposal, you can try and discover the tools of the workshop

The 2 firings, the glazing of your pieces as well as tea or coffee are included in the workshop.

However, if the proposed dates do not suit you, contact me!

Modelling details

Handcrafting encompasses the oldest methods of making clay objects: pinching between the fingers, mounting with doves or assembling pieces of clay sheets called plates.
All of these techniques will help you develop your sensitivity to the essential touch of working with clay, they will soothe you and will even be conducive to meditation!

First session: pinching, colombin and for a complete cooling.
We will discover each of these techniques at your own pace and create your first pieces.

When the pieces are completely dry (so they're really 100% dry, it takes several weeks of drying, from 3 to 5 weeks), they undergo a first firing at around 950°C and become a cookie.

Second session: enameling
Afterwards you will apply the enamel by dipping, pouring or brushing (depending on the application technique of the chosen enamel) and the pieces will return to the kiln for their final firing at around 1220°C

You will have to wait a few days again for the pieces to cool down completely and you will be able to leave proudly with your unique creations!

The clay we will use will be Belgian stoneware because it ensures a great solidity of the pieces you will make, it is very malleable (and soft to the hands) and it is in local circuit.

Both sessions will take place in my studio, at home, in good spirits 🙂

You will have clay at your disposal, you can try and discover the tools of the workshop

Offer a gift voucher
If you wish to offer a workshop or a course or other via a gift voucher.

Here's how it works:

  • Transfer the amount of the gift to account BE92 0018 8357 7423 reference: gift voucher 
  • Send me an email at info@auchatdargile.be indicating the workshop you have chosen and the name of the person to whom it will be offered. I'll send you the voucher by email, or you can pick it up at the workshop by appointment.
    The recipient of the voucher can contact me to arrange a date for the workshop and bring the gift voucher with him/her.
photo of pottery on the wheel
pottery classes

Advanced courses (experience required)

Once you've taken an introductory course in wheel building or modeling, you can continue to practice your technique, create projects and develop at your own pace.

These hours are therefore intended for people who already have experience: the basics required, preferably having taken an introductory course with me: I know exactly your level and the steps or movements that need to be reviewed, corrected or otherwise.

The commitment is made via a 10-hour, 20-hour or 30-hour subscription, to be used over the current year.

Firing of your pieces and the clay are not included. Clay can be purchased at the workshop. Firing costs will vary according to the size of your pieces.

The workshop is available Monday or Wednesday mornings from 10am and Tuesday or Thursday afternoons from 2pm. 

In any case, we'll work out the dates together (and if you have any special requests).

2-hour introductory filming courses (10 sessions)

In view of the growing demand for courses for beginners in throwing (=at the potter's wheel as in the film "Ghost"), I am offering you a new formula for periods of 10 weekly 2-hour sessions, in totally private lessons: maximum 3 people!

This formula differs from the introductory pottery wheel course in that here we will discover all the stages of working on the wheel, at your own pace, acquiring technique and increasingly precise basic gestures. Then, depending on your progress and wishes, we will set small creative and imaginative goals to achieve... all in a fun, relaxed atmosphere!

Clay can be purchased at the workshop and if you want your own basic tool kit, I can order it for you too (let me know in advance)

Both firings and glazing are included in the price.

The commitment to this formula is for a period of 10 2-hour sessions to be used within 6 months. We define the dates together.

Classes are preferably held every week, except on public holidays and during our vacation periods.

If exceptionally, we can not attend a class, you must notify me in advance and we will see together to catch up in the same period.

The workshops

According to the seasons and my inspiration of the moment, I will propose from time to time a workshop with a theme.

Please note that the birdbath and the family and friends modeling are still available all year long!

Each themed workshop will be accessible to beginners as well as to the more advanced: it is a moment of creative relaxation, alone, accompanied, with family or other.

I can accommodate min 2 people up to max 10 people.

The main technique used will be modeling in several forms: pinching, colombin and plate.

Depending on the difficulty of the theme, it will be necessary to count +/- 2 hours for the 1st session and 1h30 for the 2nd.

The workshop will be done in 2 sessions:

1st session: a bit of theory, preparation of the clay, discovery and practice of the modeling techniques we will use to create your piece

When your pieces are completely dry (so really 100% dry, it takes several weeks of drying, from 3 to 5 weeks), they will undergo a first firing at around 950°C and become a cookie. I'll be in touch when they're ready.

2ᵉ discovery and practice of enameling.

Afterwards you will apply the enamel by dipping, pouring or brushing (depending on the application technique of the chosen enamel) and the pieces will return to the kiln for their final firing at around 1220°C

You will have to wait a few days again for the pieces to cool down completely and you will be able to leave proudly with your unique creations!

The clay we will use will be Belgian stoneware because it ensures a great solidity of the pieces you will make, it is very malleable (and soft to the hands) and it is in local circuit.

Both sessions will take place in my workshop, at home, in a good mood 

The date of the workshop as well as the price per person will be communicated to you +/- 2 months before its launch via the newsletter and social networks.

painting workshops on clay

Contact me

Would you like to participate in a training course, a course or a themed workshop?


48 Avenue des Perdrix 1410 Waterloo Belgium


0473 67 86 27



Opening hours

By appointment

Do you have a question?


What they say about my classes

clay cup

Au Chat d'Argile, a local workshop where the love of clay is transmitted, where you create objects that you love, where you develop your creativity in a good mood and where you feel good.

Fun fact

Au Chat d'Argile in a few figures

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